They Were Taken Asleep For 309 Years An amazing numerical phenomenon in the Qur’an! The Qur’an speaks about the youth of the cave in Surat Al-Kahf (Chapter 18 – The Cave). In their pursuit to preserve their faith and to continue living a... Qur'an 01/02/2025
Your Connection With The House of Allah The COVID era served as an excellent indicator for us to individually determine whether we had a connection with the House of Allah. It allowed us to somewhat understand our internal condition. As the... People World 01/02/2025
Enjoy Now, Worship Later Don’t get sucked into the trap of the devil, the idea that you enjoy now, worship later. When you are young, you have the strength and ability to achieve great things, why spend this one-time opportun... Hadith 01/02/2025
Being Conscious & Mindful of Him Having Taqwa of Allah ﷻ, being conscious and mindful of Him, will result in a win-win situation whereby you are protecting yourself from the severe consequences of sin while pleasing Allah. Thus, you ... Qur'an 01/02/2025
🏢 Is your structure upright? To ensure our individual structures are upright, we must revisit the pillars upon which we stand and carefully perfect and strengthen them. On the authority of Abdullah, the son of Umar ibn al-Khattab... Hadith 01/02/2025
Do You Converse With Allah? When such a beautiful exchange occurs every time we stand for prayer, how can we not enjoy it and look forward to it earnestly? Abu Huraira reported that the Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) said: If anyone obser... Hadith Qur'an 01/02/2025
4 Steps to Success on Fridays ① Attend Friday Prayer with Conviction It is the command of Allah ﷻ (Al-Quran 62:9). Be in the company of the angels (Sahih al-Bukhari Muslim). ② Find Meaning Inspire Despite the quality of the khutba... Finance Hadith 01/02/2025
Mankind Is In Loss! Allah gives us 4 principles which will allow us to rescue ourselves from the fleeting and drowning nature of this worldly life. The first 2 principles pertain to our individual development, and the la... Qur'an 01/02/2025
Orbits – A Visual Phenomena In The Qur’an The Sun’s orbit was only recently discovered in the last century; however, the Qur’an revealed this fact to us more than 1,400 years ago. That the Sun, other planets and celestial bodies all have an o... Qur'an 01/02/2025